Independence Month Newsletter

June 30, 2024

01 July 2024

Chestertown and Easton Do Jangs

  • Regular Class Schedule Monday and Tuesday Only
  • Wednesday July 03 through Sunday July 07: Closed
  • Monday July 08: Classes Resume


Weekly Outstanding Students


Leader of the Week – LeRoy Pope

Student of the Week – Wyatt Glenn

Tang Soo Spirit of the Week – Trent Newton


Leader of the Week – Elaine Morris

Student of the Week – Kristyn Young

Tang Soo Spirit of the Week – Jamey Larrimore, Jr.


Climb the Mountain…not so that the World can see you, but so that you can see the World.


Six Flags America Amusement Park Trip

Great FUN!!!

The Rides, Hurricane Harbor, Hanging Out with Tang Soo Do Family and the Entertainment were ALL Exciting and Fun!

Be sure to Join Us next year!!!


In this Do Jang, Failure is not an Option…it is a Requirement. The Best Learning Happens through Failed Attempts, and the only True Failure is Quitting.

Don’t Give Up!


Belt Tests and Promotions

  • Gup and Make-Up Red Belt/Cho Dan Bo/Weapons Testing:

WOW! What a Full Day of Intense Testing! It was Great and Tiring and All of the students were energized, enthusiastic and focused. We look forward to Awesome results! Tang Soo!!!

  • Promotions TBA
  • Gup and Testing: July 26 at 5:30 PM in Easton


Happy 4th of July!

Happy Independence Day!

Thank You to All of our Tang Soo Do Brothers and Sisters who have helped us to maintain or Freedoms!


Summer/Fall Important/Fun Dates

  • Talbot County Fair – Thursday July 11th through Sunday July 14th
    • Speak with KSN Campbell about Helping Out

[email protected]        410-980-0598

  • Leadership Beach Training/Fun Day – Saturday July 20th
    • Tang Soo Do Training on the Beach in the early morning and then enjoy the rest of the day having Fun at the Beach!
  • Chestertown Crazy Days of Summer Demos Saturday July 27th
    • NEW! Downtown Chestertown Association and Kent County Recreation enjoyed our Saturday in the Park Demo so much that they have asked us to Appear at the Crazy Days of Summer Event! Talk to Sa Bom Nim and KSN Marvel about joining the Demo Team and details!
  • Mid-Atlantic All Female Karate Tournament Saturday September 07
    • This will be the First tournament of the Fall Season. Many of our Women and Girls have had Fun attending this competition. We will prepare for it in August.
  • CS Kim Karate Inter-School Tournament: Monroeville, PA November 2nd
  • Ketchen’s Tae Kwon Do Tournament: Buffalo NY November 23rd


July 2024

June’s Outstanding Students


Leader of the Month – Claire Anderson-Schultz

Student of the Month – Diego Cifuentes

Most Spirited Student – Trent Newton


Leader of the Month – Elaine Morris

Student of the Month – Darren McCready

Most Spirited Student – Santos Lendechy


Happy Birthday July!

Rebekkah Napier – July 02nd

Tonya Osborn – July 06th

Presley Pope – July 07th

Devon “DJ” Miller – July 09th

Hadley Woodrow – July 10th

Jacob Osborn – July 13th

KSN Bob Campbell – July 14th

Sa Bom Nim Mark Pagano – July 17th

Liam Larrimore – July 19th

Liam Budka – July 22nd

Byron Robinson – July 29th

Juel Camacho – July 30th

Azumi Espejo – July 31st

What lies Behind us and what lies Before us are tiny matters compared to what lies Within us.

Henry Stanley Haskins


July/August – Clinics/Events

July 03 to 06 – Closed for Independence Day Weekend

July 11 – Leadership Event: Talbot County Fair-Easton

July 12 – JUDO Clinic: Chestertown at 5:30 PM-Beginners and 6:45 PM-Advanced

July 12 – Leadership Event: Talbot County Fair-Easton

July 13 – Leadership Event: Talbot County Fair-Easton

July 14 – Leadership Event: Talbot County Fair-Easton

July 20 – Leadership: Rehoboth Beach Trip 8:00 AM

July 26 – Gup Test in Easton at 5:30 PM

July 27 – Leadership Event: Downtown Chestertown-Crazy Days of Summer

August 02 – Weapons Clinic at 6:45 PM

August 09 – Judo Clinic in Easton

August 16 – Leadership in Chestertown at 6:45 PM

August 23 – Tournament Prep All Classes

August 24 – Belt Testing (and Promotions from June 29) in Chestertown

August 30 – Labor Day Weekend Begins: Closed Until Tuesday September 03

September 06 – Tournament Prep

September 07 – Mid-Atlantic All Female Karate Tournament

September 13 – Judo Clinic in Chestertown

September 14 – Leadership Clinic in Easton

**Tentative Schedule, check weekly updates to confirm clinics/workshops**

**Dates MAY and often DO Change. We will keep you informed

**Beyond this point, NO Guarantees on Schedule Accuracy (It can/will change)


Summer/Fall Important/Fun Dates

  • Talbot County Fair – Thursday July 11th through Sunday July 14th
  • Leadership Beach Training/Fun Day – Saturday July 20th
  • Chestertown Crazy Days of Summer Demos Saturday July 27th
  • Mid-Atlantic All Female Karate Tournament Saturday September 07
  • CS Kim Karate Inter-School Tournament November 2nd
  • Ketchen’s TKD Tournament November 23rd



In the SPRING/SUMMER you NEED to maintain your water intake! It is all too easy to become dehydrated in the Chaotic Changing Weather!


Simple: (your body weight) ÷ 2 = the fluid ounces of water you should drink in a typical day  Example- 160 lbs. ÷ 2 = 80 oz. of water/day. This should be a minimum amount for a training day and this number should increase on the days you know exercise is in your schedule!  PLEASE STAY HYDRATED!



Make a schedule – keep a schedule – GET TO CLASS!

Summer Scheduling is difficult! The weather is HOT!, Summer activities and Vacations, Tea Party, Independence Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, ALL makes it hard to get to class and keep up with requirements and keeping in shape. If we stop to think about it for a minute, it becomes clear that the discipline and focus we gain from attending class will HELP all the rest of our activities and commitments fall into place! AND, the benefit from consistency is well worth it! Do your best to set a schedule, and then…KEEP IT!  

Martial Arts training is the perfect cross-training for ANY sport! It enhances your reactions, helps to keep the muscles healthy and strong, and improves our endurance. The Focus gained keeps your mind sharp and helps your Academics. And physical activity also helps with better, more fulfilling sleep. Make it simple, make a schedule and then keep it – for you and your Family!


The Body Achieves what the Mind Believes


Shi Sun: Focus – of eyes or direction of line of sight


If You have to Think about How to Do a Technique, then you haven’t Practiced it enough.


Basic Tang Soo Do Etiquette

  1. Upon Arrival at the Do Jang the Students must acknowledge and Bow to the Master and Senior Instructor in charge.


Family – 가족 (Ka Jok or Ga Jog)

1-More Time – (Han Beon Do)

Low Stance – 낮은 자세 (naj-eun jase)                  

Lower – (naj-e)


Congratulations Rising Sa Bom Nim:

As Announced at the Annual Picnic

Kyo Sa Nim Robert Campbell Passed his Sa Dan Test

Promotion Details TBA

Tang Soo!!!!!


Black Belt is a White Belt who Never Gave Up!


Mastery is a Pursuit, Not a Destination


There are no Black Belt Techniques, Only Basic Techniques done at Black Belt Level.


Talent Might make You Good, but it’s Your Attitude and Your Work Ethic that will make you Great. – Allistair McCain


Tang Soo Do Terminology

Yu Jang: From the Heart


Your Martial Arts Training must come from the Heart, for then it is Truly Learned and Engrained in You, bringing Body and Mind Together.


Successful People aren’t Gifted, They Just Work Hard


Kyong: Wisdom


The Scariest Place to be is in the Same Place you were Last Year…Learn, Develop, Grow!


Just Don’t Quit!

About the Author: phoenixpersonalfitness